Preparing Your Relationship for a Lifelong Marriage

After dating and courting for some time, partners feel that they know each other well. This could be the right time to start a family through marriage. As this time approaches, one must prepare their relationship to ensure that both parties are ready for marriage. There are many factors to check beforehand. Both partners have … Read more

International Students: Understanding Overseas Health Insurance, Private Insurance and Rebate

Let us start with the understanding of an Overseas Students Health Cover (OSHC) and its need. The reasons for its compulsion. Medicare. And lastly, rebate.  Foreign education is developed countries, like Australia is an idea many students want to tick off in their bucket list. But along with several terms and conditions, enter health insurance … Read more

Top 5 Risk Involved in Hypertension to Look Out For

Hypertension, also known as hipertensi in Malay community as common as it sounds, is a disease that has the potential to bring about morbidity and mortality. What makes it even difficult to combat is the fact that these patients are usually symptomless and have no warning signs. Diagnosis is made inadvertently when blood pressure readings … Read more